Startup DailySGLAB Inc. takes part in 'VivaTech 2024', which is supported by the Korea Sports Promotion Foundation... Leading the way for European expansion

22 Jul 2024

Eddie Cho, the founder of SGLAB Inc., announced the company's participation in 'VivaTech 2024,' which will take place in Paris, France, from May 22 to 25 (local time), with funding from the Korea Sports Promotion Foundation. The company intends to expand into the European market through this important technological event.

SGLAB, founded in 2021 by PGA professional Eddie Cho, is a golf tech firm focused on developing the intelligent golf club 'G-grip' and related products.

The 'G-grip' is the world's first intelligent golf club capable of gathering data. It has multi-sensors incorporated in the club that provide integrated analysis of grip pressure, swing path, and other data, distinguishing itself for its versatility on the practice range and on the field. Notably, the technology combines IoT-based multimodal, on-device technology, generative AI, and data analysis to deliver extraordinary new advancements in the golf tech field.

During the display, several local companies, including France's biggest sports brand Decathlon, expressed interest in SGLAB's goods and distribution, paving the way for future collaboration. Additionally, the corporation formed technical alliances with IBM and Fujitsu. European investors who attended the expo were interested in SGLAB's products and vision, with active discussions about prospective investments reported. 

Eddie Cho, the founder of SGLAB and a former PGA professional, has been working on golf education innovation for 25 years through youth development programs, educational initiatives, and media activities. He went on: "Building on this experience, I am leading the planning, design, and development of our intelligent golf club in collaboration with an IT expert team, aiming to create new trends in the golf market."

Since its beginning in 2016, France's VivaTech has been a global startup event where innovative firms display their technology and business concepts, encouraging technical innovation and the expansion of the startup ecosystem throughout the world. This year's Korea Pavilion, a collaborative exhibition sponsored by IBK Changgong, KOTRA, Incheon Technopark, and the Korea Sports Promotion Foundation, showcased innovative items from 20 entrepreneurs. The event was a success, with 180,000 attendees, including local industry leaders, buyers, and investors, as well as over 13,000 entrepreneurs from 160 countries.  

Source: Startup_Daily (

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